Pull is in the air. Everyone knows and loves Google. We pull movies and news items on demand. But this is just the surface of a more profound movement that is reshaping the world around us. The growing stress we all feel in our professional lives is not just a reflection of the current economic downturn. It reflects the mounting pressure we feel when we start to realize that our traditional ways of living and working are increasingly broken.
THE POWER OF PULL: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion (Basic Books; April 2010) by John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison, goes beyond the often distracting surface events and examines the deep forces reshaping our world. It helps us to understand that pull is far more than search or accessing media on demand. Drawing on stories and examples from around the world, the authors show us how pull can be more systematically used to shape serendipity. Harnessing the power of pull can also bring us together in new ways to drive more rapid performance improvement (the authors highlight such diverse arenas as extreme surfing and China’s emerging large scale business networks) and provide powerful platforms to more fully achieve our potential.
The authors also provide us with pragmatic migration paths to aid us in getting from where we are today to where we need to be in a world of pull.
Drawing on pioneering research, THE POWER OF PULL speaks to all of us as individuals in our personal and professional lives. At the same time it helps leaders of institutions to better understand how impact can be expanded well beyond the resources deployed. In the process, the authors provide a guide to connecting with personal passion and finally turning stress into success. They show that what we thought we knew about pull is just the tip of the iceberg, and uncover the real power of pull.
THE POWER OF PULL brings a tight, logical structure to our transformed world, integrating three waves of change, three levels of pull that are central to success and three elements of the journey we all need to take in order to master pull. Using real and diverse stories to illustrate the logic of the world in which we all now live, the book is a compelling primer to navigate a new landscape at work, at home, and at play.
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