Catalyst House

Da Camels on Da Road Trip

The camels came from Mountain of Attention Sanctuary, a remote meditation retreat center about 2-1/2 hours north of San Francisco for adherents of the Adidam religious movement started by Adi Da Samraj.  The retreat center has a herd of camels. As part of an effort to reduce the herd’s size, the traveling pair is being given to a organization through a “legal gifting process.”

Bactrian camels on a road trip


Phoenix and Sage make their selves at home for an overnight visit to Cedar Falls, Iowa Sunday, May 13, 2012. The two Bactrian camels are traveling 3,000 miles from the Sacred Camel Gardens in California to Green Chimneys School in New York state. (RICK CHASE / Courier Staff Photographer) 

Video: New York bound camels make stop in Cedar Falls

Two young, male camels are in route to the Green Chimneys School in New York as part of the Sacred Camel Gardens of California’s Fear-No-More Project. One of their stops included the home of Cedar Falls resident Linda Nebbe, who uses animal therapy to help special needs children.

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Cloud Computing Could Save The Economy

Source: Cloud9 Real Time

Cloud computing is growing rapidly. While still in its infantcy, the cloud sector of tech has experienced more than just explosive job growth in the past 36 months.

The latest data demonstrates that the cloud computing arena is establishing a new economic paradigm for many industries and businesses, generating opportunity and job growth well beyond the cloud service companies fueling the expansion.

In the next five years, cloud computing has the potential to add 4720,000 new jobs and $100 billion to the global economy, according according to a study, “Job Growth in the Forecast: How Cloud Computing is Generating New Business Opportunities and Fueling Job Growth in the United States,” by the Sand Hill Group and SAP.

Read SAP report (PDF) HERE

See also – Cloud Computing New Jobs Creation by 2015

The study says three industry megatrends are propelling the growth of cloud services and employment: the boom in mobile computing devices such as smartphones and tablets; the “social” trend in online services; and the growth of “Big Data” flows that require more data management services.

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Catalyst House