Catalyst House, Inc. Elects New Director and BarterCardUSA Acquires an Equity Partner Position in ADMAX, LLC. Los Angeles, CA November 10, 2003 — Catalyst House, Inc., announced today that Mark Savoy, Chairman of BartercardUSA (“BUSA”), has been elected to the company’s Board of Directors. Savoy immediately assumes the role of Director and BUSA acquires an equity partner position in ADMAX, LLC.… Read complete release
BartercardUSA Closes Bridge Finance from Springboard Capital Irvine, CA. January 8, 2003 — Catalyst House managing director, Lynnea Bylund, announced today that her agency has fashioned a strategic alliance between BartercardUSA and Springboard Capital Corp. … Read complete release in PDF (179 KB).
New Catalyst House Unit Announces Partnership With World’s Largest B2B ‘Trade Exchange!’ — Las Vegas, Nv. and Santa Ana, Ca. – November 22, 2002 /CATNewswire/ — Newly launched Catalyst House unit – AD|MAX Media Solutions, an agency introducing local California merchants to its “unified multi-stream” campaign – announced its strategic-partnership with Bartercard today. Read complete release in PDF (182 KB).
Prior Unity and The Global Cooperative Forum
The message of Not Two IS Peace is not merely that human beings should work to resolve the world’s urgent crises, but that we must do so in a radically new way. At its core, this book is a call to uncover an entirely new disposition within ourselves, a fundamentally different consciousness, from which to engage the grave global challenges arrayed before us.
The striking notion put forth in this book is that what humanity must now grow beyond is nothing less than the fundamental orientation of searching for solutions to the world’s problems. Adi Da’s core argument is that the orientation of trying to find or create unity and peace out of all the divided interests of separate groups of people is “not it”— and is, in fact, no longer workable. Rather, what humankind desperately needs today is a profoundly new paradigm, which is summarized here as the principle—and working-presumption—of “prior unity”.
Prior unity is not just a philosophical concept or ideal. It is the structure of existence itself, as ancient seers have declared and even modern physics has demonstrated. To experience and presume prior unity obviates the search to “cause” or “create” unity or peace. The work becomes one of enacting and magnifying the prior unity that is already the felt reality. It is to enable the inherent prior unity of people to come forth on all levels of the world stage. It is a profoundly different context within which to work.
The practical means proposed by Adi Da for manifesting this prior unity is a “Global Cooperative Forum“. This forum would serve the common interests of all of humankind, because it would operate on the basis of the new paradigm of prior unity, which would grant it a unique and inherent moral integrity.
All the fundamental global matters would be in its purview, but approached as one living process, rather than as a multiplicity of competing issues. Participation in the forum would depend upon people’s ability to set aside their personal, national, religious, ethnic, or other forms of identity, to accomplish the work at hand. The paradigm of prior unity would grant them the capacity to merely be there as human beings representing all of humankind.
Adi Da is not naive. He simply speaks the truth as he sees it, with no withholding and no armoring. He is fully aware of the complexity of establishing and maintaining such a forum. Extraordinary leadership, vast programs of education and immense structures of communication will be required. But Adi Da points out that this is the very moment in human history where global interconnectedness—exemplified in today’s technology, such as the Internet—can provide the means to shift the consciousness of humanity in a finite period of time. Nothing even remotely like this has ever been possible before.
The means exist, but the clear message and force of mobilization to use that means for the universal good has yet to emerge. Adi Da is emphasizing that the people themselves—we, the six billion inhabitants of earth—can, and must, cooperatively enact our fundamental will to survive, be free and preserve the Earth.
It is essential that morally enlightened individuals with the skills and connections to bring this forum into being come forward and combine with like-minded others to bring the profound truths stated in the book Not-Two Is Peace into a living form. Adi Da is entirely blessing and empowering humankind with his spiritual influence to make this leap.
Carolyn Lee received her B.A. in 1970 from Sydney University. After being awarded the Sydney Moss Travelling Scholarship, she was awarded her Ph.D. at London University in musicology. She was subsequently appointed St Leonard’s Research Fellow at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and senior lecturer in Music in the National University of Ireland (University College, Cork). She has been a devotee of Avatar Adi Da Samraj since 1985. She has been serving the publication of Adi Da’s Teaching and chronicling His life and work.
CATALYST HOUSE TO REPRESENT SIR ROBERT GELDOF’S NEW ‘LIBERTY BLOOM’ November 3, 2002 Las Vegas, Nevada —, a new company that has developed a peer to peer e-marketing technology designed to join independent micro-businesses worldwide into one large profitable organization, … Read complete release in PDF. (143 KB)
AD|MAX Merchants To Receive RaveReviews! SANTA ANA, CA. July 31, 2002 /PRNewswire/ — AD|MAX Media Solutions managing advisor, Lynnea Bylund, announced today that the Company has secured an arrangement whereby its merchant marketing clients will receive website-based ìstreaming testimonialsî to be provided by Read complete release in PDF (149 KB).
The Transcendental Art of Adi Da Samraj
Adi Da Samraj (1939-2008) created art for over forty years with a single intention: the visual communication of truth, and the means to draw the viewer beyond separateness into the paradox of “indivisible unity.”
Artistic Process – Adi Da began his first serious photographic work in the early 1960’s. From the mid 60’s to 90’s he produced a diverse body of drawings, paintings, and sculptural forms. 1998 marked the beginning of an intensive six-year period of photographic and videographic work, moving from black and white to highly saturated color, and featuring multiple exposures composed in-camera. His primary bodies of work from this period use the figurative form and other archetypes to address the deepest issues of human existence.
In 2006 the artist moved to digital technology, while still combining hand-drawn and painted forms as well as photographs within his compositions. In November 2007, Adi Da Samraj reached what he described as the “final resolution” of his entire artistic process. This turning point enabled him to create non-representational art by using a unique method he named “Orphic Font,” or abstractions constructed from “collages of pictographs.” Adi Da felt this work to be the culmination of his artistic work and philosophy, the fully realized expression of “transcendental realism.”
Exhibitions and Critical Acclaim – Full-scale fabrications of Adi Da Samraj’s images have included many forms of media, from monumentally-scaled paints on aluminum, to large-scale pigmented inks on canvas, photographic and videographic works, sculptural light boxes, plasma screen installations, and projected performance events.
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Transcendental Realism – The Art of Adi Da
Adi Da Samraj (1939-2008) created art for over forty years with a single intention: the visual communication of truth, and the means to draw the viewer beyond separateness into the paradox of “indivisible unity.”
Artistic Process – Adi Da began his first serious photographic work in the early 1960’s. From the mid 60’s to 90’s he produced a diverse body of drawings, paintings, and sculptural forms. 1998 marked the beginning of an intensive six-year period of photographic and videographic work, moving from black and white to highly saturated color, and featuring multiple exposures composed in-camera. His primary bodies of work from this period use the figurative form and other archetypes to address the deepest issues of human existence.
In 2006 the artist moved to digital technology, while still combining hand-drawn and painted forms as well as photographs within his compositions. In November 2007, Adi Da Samraj reached what he described as the “final resolution” of his entire artistic process. This turning point enabled him to create non-representational art by using a unique method he named “Orphic Font,” or abstractions constructed from “collages of pictographs.” Adi Da felt this work to be the culmination of his artistic work and philosophy, the fully realized expression of “transcendental realism.”
Exhibitions and Critical Acclaim – Full-scale fabrications of Adi Da Samraj’s images have included many forms of media, from monumentally-scaled paints on aluminum, to large-scale pigmented inks on canvas, photographic and videographic works, sculptural light boxes, plasma screen installations, and projected performance events.
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Transcendental Art of Divine Imagery by Adi Da
“The image-art I make and do …represents the fulfillment, in fullest technical terms, of what I have always intended to accomplish by means of image-art — to create Self-Portraits of Reality Itself, which is to create the art of Transcendental Realism in the purest sense.”
— Adi Da Samraj / Transcendental Realism
“Reality Itself is Self-Apprehended as Truth Itself, and as The Beautiful Itself, in what Adi Da calls egoless Coincidence with Reality Itself.”
— Erik van Erp, PhD, from his introduction to Transcendental Realism
Adi Da Samraj (1939-2008) created art for over forty years with a single intention: the visual communication of truth, and the means to draw the viewer beyond separateness into the paradox of “indivisible unity.”
Artistic Process – Adi Da began his first serious photographic work in the early 1960’s. From the mid 60’s to 90’s he produced a diverse body of drawings, paintings, and sculptural forms. 1998 marked the beginning of an intensive six-year period of photographic and videographic work, moving from black and white to highly saturated color, and featuring multiple exposures composed in-camera. His primary bodies of work from this period use the figurative form and other archetypes to address the deepest issues of human existence.
In 2006 the artist moved to digital technology, while still combining hand-drawn and painted forms as well as photographs within his compositions. In November 2007, Adi Da Samraj reached what he described as the “final resolution” of his entire artistic process. This turning point enabled him to create non-representational art by using a unique method he named “Orphic Font,” or abstractions constructed from “collages of pictographs.” Adi Da felt this work to be the culmination of his artistic work and philosophy, the fully realized expression of “transcendental realism.”
Exhibitions and Critical Acclaim – Full-scale fabrications of Adi Da Samraj’s images have included many forms of media, from monumentally-scaled paints on aluminum, to large-scale pigmented inks on canvas, photographic and videographic works, sculptural light boxes, plasma screen installations, and projected performance events.
Continued at – Da Plastique
Transcendental Divine Imagery Art of Adi Da Samraj
Adi Da Samraj (1939-2008) created art for over forty years with a single intention: the visual communication of truth, and the means to draw the viewer beyond separateness into the paradox of “indivisible unity.”
Artistic Process – Adi Da began his first serious photographic work in the early 1960’s. From the mid 60’s to 90’s he produced a diverse body of drawings, paintings, and sculptural forms. 1998 marked the beginning of an intensive six-year period of photographic and videographic work, moving from black and white to highly saturated color, and featuring multiple exposures composed in-camera. His primary bodies of work from this period use the figurative form and other archetypes to address the deepest issues of human existence.
In 2006 the artist moved to digital technology, while still combining hand-drawn and painted forms as well as photographs within his compositions. In November 2007, Adi Da Samraj reached what he described as the “final resolution” of his entire artistic process. This turning point enabled him to create non-representational art by using a unique method he named “Orphic Font,” or abstractions constructed from “collages of pictographs.” Adi Da felt this work to be the culmination of his artistic work and philosophy, the fully realized expression of “transcendental realism.”
Exhibitions and Critical Acclaim – Full-scale fabrications of Adi Da Samraj’s images have included many forms of media, from monumentally-scaled paints on aluminum, to large-scale pigmented inks on canvas, photographic and videographic works, sculptural light boxes, plasma screen installations, and projected performance events.
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Grow Your Business Today with Catalyst House The Source for all business solutions through strategic product and service alliances that ensure important leadership positions… Read complete release in PDF (149 KB). High Res for print.(997 KB)
Contributing Editor – Las Vegas Tribune
by Lynnea Bylund 2004-2005
White House Small Business Agenda
Catalyst House Launches New ‘Merchant Media’ Unit -Local O.C. Merchants to Receive the Power of an All-In-One Unified-Multi-Stream of Marketing Media – Tv, Mail, Internet, Radio, and Barter! SANTA ANA, CA. – May 17, 2002 – a newly formed business unit of Catalyst House – AD|MAX Media Solutions, an agency introducing local California merchants to its “unified multi-stream” campaign…. Read complete release in PDF. (173 KB)
Lynnea Bylund, Founder
Lynnea Bylund established Catalyst House in 1999. She is the Founder and President of Ahimsa Peace Institute a Nevada based 501c3, author of Health IS Wealth!, Gandhi Legacy Tour of India ‘The Book’, and Seeds of Light, Planting Seeds of Love. She served on the Board of Directors of Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute (GWEI) beginning in early 2010. GWEI has been in Consultative Status with the United Nations (UN) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since July 23, 2015. Lynnea is the UN ECOSOC representative for the organization. She represented Arun Gandhi, and her company partnered with Arun in the Gandhi Legacy Tour company. Lynnea completed a Nonviolence Course led by Ela Gandhi at the Metta Center for Nonviolence in May 2023, an Introduction to Peacebuilding Micro at the United States Institute of Peace in July 2023, and a Religious Engagement in Peacebuilding course at USIP in October 2023. She was recognized as an Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Federation on September 21, 2023. Lynnea received certificates of completion from the Metta Center and USIP.
She has four decades of experience in administration, marketing and business development in the start-up, telecommunications, and information processing industries nationally and internationally. In the 1990’s she served as a nationally recognized spokeswoman for the emerging wireless, alternative video, and information delivery industries and has appeared on CNN, PBS, NBC, as well as in numerous trade and national publications including Wall Street Journal, Barons, Radio Communications Report, Wireless Week, America’s Network and Private Cable Magazine. During that time she founded two small business-based wireless trade associations and has lobbied on Capitol Hill and at the FCC where she has spoken out strongly against the cable TV monopoly, illegal spectrum warehousing and ill-conceived congressional schemes to auction our nation’s precious airwaves to the highest bidder. Adrian Cronauer, real life character portrayed by Robin Williams in the movie Good Morning Vietnam served as Lynnea’s general counsel and lobby partner on Capitol Hill.
Ms. Bylund is a founder and former CEO of a Washington DC telecommunications consulting and management company with holdings in several operating and near operating wireless communications systems and companies. In 1995 Lynnea became the first female in the world to be awarded a Broadband PCS operating permit – she was one of only 18 winners, along with Sprint, AT&T, Pacific Bell, etc. in the biggest cash auction in world history, raising a whopping $7.7 billion. Her company was awarded licenses to operate wireless systems in Kauai-Niihau Hawaii, Western, and American Samoa – South Seas Satellite Communications Corporation and Proteus, Inc. NuaNuaTV.
Lynnea is key founding team member who spearheads the successful effort to launch the first cable TV network in the South Pacific islands. We brought CNN International+ first to the island. In 1995, our company partnered with American Samoa Community College “ASCC” to file for ITFS licenses which allowed the college to offer for-credit courses to ASCC enrolled students. Subsequent development phase was transmissions of the colleges programming to private residences and other locations in the community in order to provide adult education and training. Through the use of ITFS frequencies, ASCC offered courses that had been unavailable in the region for budgetary reasons. Through our partnership ASCC accomplished this without significant additional expense to the school.
In early 2010 Lynnea accepted an invitation from Dr. Arun Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma, M.K. Gandhi, to join the Board of Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute. Lynnea served as the Managing Director of Gandhi Legacy Tour founded by Arun Gandhi 2012-2019. (Read more…)
Arun Gandhi (April 14, 1934 – May 2, 2023)
Interfaith, Peace & Ahimsa
Born in 1934 in Durban, South Africa, Arun Gandhi is the fifth grandson of India’s legendary leader, Mohandas K. “Mahatma” Gandhi. Growing up under the discriminatory apartheid laws of South Africa, he was beaten by “white” South Africans being too black and “black” South Africans being too white; so, Arun sought eye–an-eye justice. However, he learned from his parents and grandparents that justice does not mean revenge, it means transforming the opponent through love and suffering.
Grandfather taught Arun Gandhi to understand nonviolence through understanding violence. “If we know how much passive violence we perpetrate against one another we will understand why there is so much physical violence plaguing societies and the world,” Gandhi said. Through daily lessons, Arun says, he learned about violence and about anger.
DENNIS WEAVER’S DRIVE FOR LIFE TO PROMOTE ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES Ridgway, Colorado — On October 26, 2001, the Institute of Ecolonomic (“IOE”) founder and President Dennis Weaver and his team will drive alternative fueled vehicles from Los Angeles, California to Denver Colorado to promote public awareness of new… Read complete release in PDF. (144 KB)
CATALYST HOUSE AND FIRST CHARTER ANNOUNCE MOU AND INTENT TO MERGE October 14, 2001 Las Vegas, Nevada — Catalyst House announced today that it has formed a strategic alliance with First Charter Investment Corporation (FCIC) of Del Ray Beach, FL, an international capital-formation consultant and merchant banker… Read complete release in PDF. (140 KB)
CAT eNEWS – SBIU October 2008
1) The Bailout!
2) Small Firms Barter
3) ADMAX Joins MerchantCircle
4) Accounting Sherpas
CAT eNEWS – SBIU Summer 2008
1) Small Businesses Shaken
2) 21st Century Bookkeeping
3) Local Search Paradigm Shift
4) Barter Myths
CAT eNEWS – SBIU May 2008
1) Government Denials of Recession
2) Sound Bookkeeping Sings
3) Local Search Revolution
4) Small Business Advantage Play
CAT eNEWS – SBIU April 2008
1) Major Economic Shift
2) Local Search – Killing Yellow Pages
3) Effective Email Communication
4) Small Business Media Barter
CAT eNEWS – SBIU March 2008
1) CAT Goes Public!
2) Local Search Explodes
3) Barter IS Smarter
4) Eight Steps For Tough Times
– The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 7 – Number 7 | 2007
– The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 6 – Number 6 | 2006
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Download PDF insert
1) AD|MAX Unveils OC SuperPortal
2) The Media Monopoly
3) Catalyst This!
4) AD|MAX Updates
5) The Art of the Start
6) New CAT Advisors
7) Aquarius NOW!
8)’Survivor’ Meets Investment Community
9) Insert – Announcements
– The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 5 – Number 5 | 2005
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1) ADMAX Partners
2) Where’s The Gold?
3) Catalyst This!
4) Bartering is Good Business
5) Bush’s Small Business Agenda
6) Your Supplements Under Attack!
– The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 4 – Number 1 | 2004
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1) Barter Dollars For Taxes!
2) The Golden Hedge
3) Catalyst This!
4) Barter’s Biggest Bugaboo
5) Catalytic Quotations
– The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 3 – Number 2 | 2003
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1) The New-Old Currency
2) That’s Bartercard
3) Catalyst This!
4) Launch of ADMAX
5) Quarterly Quotations
– The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 3 – Number 1 | 2003
Download PDF file (269 KB)
1) The New/Old Currency
2) The Art of Alliances
3) Client and Affiliate News
4) The Quarterly Quotations
-The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 2 – Number 5 | 2002
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1) The Second Business Species
2) Bankruptcies, A New Record
3) Spotlight on EcoAid
4) The Quarterly Quotation
5) Client & Affiliate News
6) Springboarding Springboard
-The Catalyst! – CAT eNEWS – Volume 2 – Number 4 | 2001
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1) Spotlight on Adrian Cronauer, Good Morning, Vietnam
2) Announcements
3) Client and Affiliate News
4) New Client Roll Call
5) Trade Missions Today CAT Game Changer – Results are In!
6) Bermuda Jazz Festival
7) CAT’s International Reach
8) CAT People
9) Spotlight on FreshTV Bermuda