Arun Gandhi’s Address in Piertermaritzburg June 7, 2015
Another spot on address by Arun Gandhi in Piertermaritzburg during the Satyagraha Tour of South Africa. He talks about the purpose of the Gandhi Legacy Tour in South Africa.
He continues on with: “The thing that touches me most about my grandfather, is the statement that he made just a month or so before his assassination, when a journalist asked him, what do you think is going to happen after your passing to your philosophy? And he made a very prophetic remark when he said, “the people will follow me in life, worship me in death, but not make my cause their cause.” That unfortunately, is the tragedy with not just my grandfather, but for all the great people. We elevate them to saint hood, we worship them after death, but we will not make their cause our cause. Their cause was to ensure that we bring peace in this world and live in harmony and oneness.”
Watch the following YouTube video to hear Arun’s full message.
Arun notes, that he is honored to address the Pietermartizburg community a second year in a row during the Satyagraha Tour of SA, on the anniversary of this significant event in his grandfather Mohandas Gandhi’s life.
Mohandas Gandhi, the evening of 7 June 1893, was thrown off a train at the Pietermaritzburg Railway Station.
“I was afraid for my very life. I entered the dark waiting-room. There was a white man in the room. I was afraid of him. What was my duty? I asked myself. Should I go back to India, or should I go forward with God as my helper, and face whatever was in store for me? I decided to stay and suffer. My active non-violence began from that date”. Gandhi
Gandhi Satyagraha Tour of South Africa 2015