Catalyst House

The Gandhi Room Brazil | AHIMSA Gandhi Portuguese Subtitles

June 20 – 23, 2024 | Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Premiere Brazilian Screening of ‘AHIMSA Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless’

The Gandhi Room Brazil

Brazil HistoryCatalyst House – NIC |

Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute (Eco-Domes) | Gandhi Legacy Tour

History with NIC began September 19-25, 1997 while I was still engaged in Wireless Telecommunications Development, lobbying Congress and the FCC via Washington DC based USIMTA/USIPCA Wireless Trade Associations. I just encountered Adi Da May 24-27, 1997 Face-to-Face at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary Memorial Day Weekend, became His formal devotee June 22, 1997 and Four Thorns of Heart Instruction Initiation by Adi Da June 24, 1997. First Satyagraha Tour of South Africa Tour we embark Memorial Day Weekend 2014. Gandhi’s first arrival day in Durban, South Africa is May 24, 1893. Lynnea Bylund (Slide shows and history-timeline links found on this link.) 

Arun Gandhi and Lynnea Bylund 2012 Trip to Salvador, Sao Paulo, and San Miguel Paulista, Brazil we depart from USA on June 24, 2012 and depart Brazil July 2, 2012 Guru Purnima.  Lynnea departed July 2, 2024 from Belo Horizonte, Brazil back to USA. Trip itinerary was not pre planned to sync with these dates, reflection after trip discipline to see the pattern. Daily journaling allows for more accurate reflection and therefore deeper or long view understanding.

Catalyst House