Catalyst House

Lead Research Group Ranked #78 INC 500 2011

LRG is among Inc’s list of Top 10 Marketing & Advertising Companies as a result of a 3,000% three-year growth!

Lead Research Group 2011 INC 500Huntington Beach, CA— Lead Research Group, a full-service direct marketing agency, is proud to announce that Inc. Magazine has ranked the company #78 on their 30th Annual INC 500 list of the fastest-growing privately held companies in the country, recognizing their success and potential for the future.

For the 3rd consecutive year, Lead Research Group (LRG) joins the rarified company of organizations that have appeared on the list multiple times.

2011 INC 500 Lead Research Group“We’re honored to have been named to the INC 500 list three years in a row, which is not often achieved. This accomplishment is a testament to the dedication and innovation of our team in serving clients,” said Matthew Marsh , Co-Founder and President, Lead Research Group. “We’re excited for our future and plan to continue building our service capacity in delivering innovative advertising solutions and technology to support growth—No doubt about it, big things are ahead for LRG.”

“We are delighted to be recognized by the INC list yet again, as it highlights our innovative business marketing model that focuses solely on successful ROI,” said CEO Ryan Rasmussen. “LRG’s business advertising model is the catalyst of our impressive sales growth and confirms our unique presence in the marketing marketplace.”

“This is a wonderful validation to a corporate team whose years of innovation and dedication have really paid off, not just for them but for thousands of LRG business clients representing a broad range of intensely competitive industries,” said Lynnea Bylund, president of Catalyst House, LRG’s accounting and financial solutions service provider.

About Lead Research Group

Founded in 2005, Lead Research Group has grown to become a leading, full-service direct marketing agency serving enterprises in a range of industries, including, education, financial, retail, legal and government. LRG specializes in lead generation solutions that focus on quality, scalability, conversion, and ROI%. Their offering encompasses a complete range of advertising services, from creative, targeted messaging, data testing and advanced technology.

About The INC 500 List

The INC 500 list is the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy – America’s Independent-minded entrepreneurs. Collectively, these companies represent the backbone of the U.S. economy. The honorees boast an aggregate 2010 Revenue of $10.5 Billion and created 1.8 million jobs according to figures from Automatic Data Processing.

About Catalyst House

Catalyst House (CAT) is an international strategic teaming agency and holding company. CAT commercial projects and enterprises include: SMB financial and accounting solutions through Catalyst Enterprise Solutions; ADMAX Merchant Media Internet marketing services; small business community commerce gateway; and various global barter and alternate currency initiatives including Australia-based Ormita.

Catalyst House