Catalyst House

Anniversary of Beloved Adi Da’s Passing

“This bodily (human) Form is temporary Means — and, after the Lifetime of This bodily (human) Form, the Reflections of It, the Murti-Forms (and so on), will, like the Leelas Generated by My Appearance in This Form, be forever Instructive and Useful as “Points” of concentration, Means Whereby to enter into Communion with Me.

“I will still be Merely Present then.”

 — His Divine Presence Bhagavan Adi Da Samraj


Photo Slideshow of the final years of Avatar Adi Da’s life, 2001-2008. from The Adi Da Foundation  

Loony 911 Theories, When Will They Ever End?

loony 911 theoriesStudents of the historical record are ever mindful that for every significant catastrophe there typically will be at least one, and more often several bizarre conspiracy theories that spring up around it. “The CIA killed Bob Marley“, “The Pope had John Lennon whacked”, “Hitler was half space alien,” etc. The larger the event, the more ridiculous and numerous are the conspiracy rantings which circulate in relation to it.

So it’s not surprising at all that the events of September 11th, 2001 have precipitated their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is – sadly – a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

wingnut batshit loony 911 theoriesBut alas, the incessant 9/11 conspiracy theory bleating is slowly and thankfully grinding to a halt. Other than the fundamental incoherence of their loony theories, the downfall of the “9/11 denier” juggernaut was good old-fashioned skepticism at its best, the kind that conjures visions of James Randi challenging psychics and faith healers on their home turfs and winning.

Staking their fortunes almost solely on Internet-based content may have been the 9/11 deniers’ biggest mistake — the Internet is un-edited, without fact-checkers or minimum publishing standards of any kind — also became a perfect place for a rapid-response system of blogs and forums to fight back. Drawing on the freely available technical information from the NIST, FEMA, and academic journals which most colleges let their students access for free.

It is with the above observations in mind we provide this insightful video from the Corbett Report. Enjoy and Wake Up, America!  Stop indulging in loony wingnut batsh*t conspiracy theories.  Case closed!

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Code 723: Da Shift Has Hit The Fan!

Adi Da Not Two Is Peace on 723The Buddha said, “Of all relationships, the best is trust.”  But recent NSA revelations have demonstrated that we are attempting to build a world of distrust in a mistaken search for security. Let us begin by dismantling that premise.  Where do we start?

On this day, July 23, 2006, World Friend Adi Da declared a decisive moment in human history for the sake of global cooperation, tolerance, and peace. In His book, Not-Two Is Peace, Adi Da Samraj, speaks to our planet’s violent human situation with a clarion call for global change in the form of a “Global Cooperative Forum”, a unique global institution founded in the inherent truth of prior unity.  

From His essay “723:  The Free Declaration of The Universal Moral, Social, and Political Laws of True and Necessary Civilization” (pp 251 in Not-Two Is Peace):

This Free Declaration is the Seed-Utterance of that new and necessary true and right (and truly globally, totally, and universally cooperative) order.

This moment in human-time—July 23, 2006—is the precise and decisive moment of the uniquely new human necessity for all of humankind.

One and all, consider this Free Declaration of your possibility on Earth.

One and all, Be of this Free Wisdom Blessed and made all right—together and at once.

Something new must emerge ….. A new mode of social contract …. an ego-less mode …… based on cooperation, tolerance and universal participation and accountability.

Peace is not only about encouraging peace between nations and governments but is also about you and me and nonviolence in our homes, communities and schools, hence – “Be the change you wish to see in the world!”

You are invited to participate in the initiation of the Global Cooperative Forum, the universal representative body for all of humanity via global conference on Tuesday July 23rd 2013 @ 6:30PM.

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Arun Gandhi: A Peace Tartan Interview

Arun Gandhi sporting a World Peace TartanOur friend and associate, M.K. Gandhi grandson Arun Gandhi, may seem odd as a  runway model, but he recently strutted the runway wearing a kilt and ‘Peace Tartan’ for charity.

Arun was born in the apartheid South Africa. During his early teen years he lived with his Grandfather in India where he received one-on-one daily instruction from ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi on understanding violence, its causes and nature and the opposite living philosophy of nonviolence. 

Following in the footsteps of his grandfather, Arun is a true social activist who transverses the planet regularly, lecturing on nonviolence and introduces himself as a “Peace Farmer.”  

Arun founded and stewards the Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute, which champions against child labor and poverty and rescues Indian children from human traffickers. (disclosure: I am am honored to be a Board member of that organization)

Arun Peace tartan

Source: NY Times India Ink Blog – 

On Monday, Mr. Gandhi donned a World Peace tartan kilt designed by Victor Spence, a Scotsman who has created a line of tartan clothes and accessories to promote world peace at the “From Scotland With Love” fashion show at Stage 48 on the West Side. The annual charity event was started 11 years ago by the actor Sir Sean Connery and the Scottish businessman Geoffrey Scott Carroll to promote Scottish culture in the United States. This year’s theme, “The Scottish Lion Meets the Asian Dragon,” included a mix of Asian and Scottish clothing from designers around the world. Proceeds will benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, a nonprofit group that helps injured American soldiers when they return home from war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mr. Gandhi was joined on the runway by the host of ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Josh Elliott, and Lt. Colonel Martha McSally, who is the first female fighter pilot in history, among others.

He spoke with India Ink before the show over tea at the Pierre Hotel, just after the fitting of his kilt, about strutting down the catwalk, lessons his famous grandfather taught him and how anyone today can join the movement for nonviolence and world peace.

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Peace Day, Everybody-All-At-Once!

Be the change you wish to see in the world. – MK Gandhi

Only everybody-all-at-once can change the current chaos. – Adi Da Samraj

World Peace Day is not only about encouraging peace between nations and governments but is also about you and me and nonviolence in our homes, communities and schools, hence – “Be the change you wish to see in the world!”

Not-Two Is Peace II, 1 by Adi Da Samraj

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: “On September 21, the United Nations will celebrate the International Day of Peace (Peace Day). Every year since 1982 this day has provided a rallying point for member states and individuals to join forces to end conflict.”

Steven Hoffer / AOL News Surge Desk today suggested a crash course on the primary ways the world has observed previous Peace Days –

1. Do something!

You don’t necessarily need to travel around the planet to meet with the Dalai Lama and Kofi Annan, as International Peace Day founder Jeremy Gilley did when he created the global effort. Gilley will tell you himself:

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723 – The Handbook for Peace

The old moral, social, and political “order” of humankind is now dead. A new and true and right Way of order of humankind is, now, and forever hereafter, necessary. This Free Declaration is the Seed-Utterance of that new and necessary Way of true and right (and truly globally, totally, and universally cooperative) order.

— Adi Da, World Friend

Not-Two Is Peace – from Spectra Five

On this day, July 23, 2006, Adi Da declared a decisive moment in human history for the sake of global cooperation, tolerance, and peace.  From His essay “723:  The Free Declaration of The Universal Moral, Social, and Political Laws of True and Necessary Civilization” (pp 251 in Not-Two Is Peace):

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Arun Gandhi’s Message of Peace in U.S.

Preaching the message of peace and nonviolence at the recent Peace Conference in Palm Spring, California, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson Arun Gandhi said, “Over the years we have been feeding the wrong wolf in us, and so we have seen this escalation of violence.” The conference was hosted by Rotary International at the Palm Springs Convention Center on November 13th.

Arun Gandhi at Palm Springs Convention Center

Arun Gandhi at Palm Springs Convention Center. Photo credit: Wade Nomura

“Experts say 80 percent of violence we experience stems from anger,” Gandhi said, and “If you want to learn nonviolence and practice nonviolence, learn how to understand your anger and control it. Anger is like electricity. It’s just as powerful and just as useful, but only if we use it intelligently.”

Talking of the conference, Denise Wadsworth of Rotary International stated, “The goal is to give opportunities for people of many cultures to come together in a beautiful setting to promote peace and understanding.”

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World-Friend Adi Da Says: Not-Two IS Peace!

In Not-Two Is Peace, Adi Da has given humanity a remarkable gift: the explanation for our global human dilemma and its necessary remedy — through embrace of principles He elaborates in this book. These principles can be summarized as follows:

Not-Two Is Peace– Act on the basis of “everybody-all-at-once” — rather than on the basis of egoity and “tribalism”

– Engage a lifetime of ego-transcending schooling in what He calls “zero-point education”

– Establish a “Global Cooperative Forum”: a representative collective of “everybody-all-at-once”, acting in the best interests of humanity as a whole and the earth-world in its totality

Adi Da’s message in Not-Two Is Peace is not merely that human beings should resolve the world’s urgent crises, but that we must do so in a radically new way.

He speaks to many of the same global issues discussed by numerous contemporary authors, but His writing addresses these issues at the “root” level, thereby elucidating the fundamentally egoic forces behind humanity’s dangerous trajectory.

Not-Two Is Peace by World Friend Adi Da

In so doing, Not-Two Is Peace proposes a profoundly new paradigm for world change and a cohesive program of solutions that reflect Adi Da’s comprehensive and penetrating understanding of the workings of the earth-world.

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Sublime Bodily Form and Image-Art

Slideshow of the Sublime Bodily Form and Image-Art of Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

Soundtrack is Krishna Das’ song entitled “By Your Grace/Jai Gurudev”, 2010

Remembering Gandhi’s 63rd Death Anniversary

Today was the 63rd anniversary of Gandhi’s death.

“Gandhi was inevitable. If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable. He lived, thought and acted, inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony. We may ignore Gandhi at our own risk.”

– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.”

– Albert Einstein

On the 30th of January 1948, Gandhi woke up at his usual hour, 3:30 a.m. After the Gandhi's Funeralmorning prayer he put the final touches to the new constitution for Congress which he had been unable to finish the previous night. The rest of the morning was spent answering letters. Someone mentioned the fact that despite his poor health he was working incessantly. ‘Tomorrow’, he explained, ‘I may not be here’. ‘If I have to die I should like to die at the prayer meeting. You are wrong in believing that you can protect me from harm. God is my protector.’  Then, while holding a prayer meeting at Birla House, Delhi, Gandhi was shot dead.  A nation’s father was dead. >>Continued at Gandhi Worldwide 

Timeline: original post date jan 30, 2011

Arun Gandhi on Monotheistic ‘Dormancy’

Our dear friend Arun Gandhi posted a critical piece on monotheistic “dormancy” religion and politics at his Washington Post blog, which we are moved to repost here.  Arun examines the grossly apparent hypocrisy of the primary monotheistic traditions in his typical humble and insightful manner.rp_Gandhi_Arun-Photo_HEADSHOT_2011_Photo_Credit_Scott_Kafora_rdax_250x333.jpg

Arun Gandhi at Washington Post

I have never been able to reconcile the Catholic notion that the life of an unborn child is of greater value than the life of a living adult. They are willing to go to extremes to stop abortions but they have never, in living memory, called upon Catholics not to participate in any wars where innocent lives of adults are freely taken. This is justified by the notion of “Just War.” When is a war “Just?” The popular argument is that when it seeks to eliminate an evil personality like Hitler or Stalin or, in modern times, Saddam Hussein. This line of thinking implies that people who do bad things can be summarily eliminated to make the world a better place. But what of the millions who are killed in the process of eliminating one evil leader? Can it be said that all who follow orders of one evil leader automatically become evil themselves?

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Catalyst House