Gandhi Legacy Tour of India ‘The Book’
8.5×11 Paperback / $29.95
ISBN: 979-8-9855271-1-7
8.25×11 Hardcover / $39.95
ISBN: 979-8-9855271-0-0
13×11 Deluxe ‘Landscape Coffee Table’ Book / $179.95
ISBN: 979-8-2102056-4-3 – Click to Order
PAGES: 120 (all editions)
Contact: [email protected]
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“His was a challenging journey –
– and it changed the world.”
He was a delicate and fragile man with glasses and a customary Hindu waistcloth, used a bamboo walking stick, and had a near-toothless smile. His outward appearance was that of a humble unassuming holy man; and fortified only with terrific bravery and an unshakeable dedication to nonviolent resistance Gandhi persevered and ultimately prevailed over one of history’s greatest empires.
Gandhi Legacy Tour of India does not focus on places of tourist interest, but rather places of human interest. It is designed to educate in the essence of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence and how individuals may apply it to bring about socio-economic change.
Journey with us as we recreate the Tour through words and pictures!
“The opportunity to travel with Arun and Tushar Gandhi on the
2009-2010 Gandhi Legacy Tour of India was life-changing;
as an American working on behalf of nonviolence, I gained a new
sense of depth, connection and vitality for carrying the Mahatma’s
work into future generations.
This captivating book captures the essence of these tours!”
– Kit Miller / Director Emeritus –
M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
Lynnea Bylund has a degree in holistic health and nutrition from the legendary and controversial health researcher, educator and activist Doctor Kurt Donsbach; She is the former Managing Director of Gandhi Legacy Tours; Emeritus Director of Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute; Founder of Catalyst House; and has over three decades of knowledge in corporate administration marketing and business development. Through the 90s she was a nationally recognized spokeswoman for emerging broadband video and information delivery industries. Lynnea is the founder of two not-for-profit small business-based wireless trade associations and has lobbied on Capitol Hill and at the FCC where she has spoken out strongly against the cable TV monopoly, illegal spectrum warehousing and congressional schemes to auction our nation’s precious airwaves to the highest bidder.
Lynnea is enthusiastically available to give her well-received talks and presentations about Gandhi Legacy Tours of India and South Africa AND Gandhi’s vision of a future “Sarvodaya” society — where everyone enjoys a good standard of living with attendant rights & privileges.
Every sale of the Gandhi Legacy Tour of India ‘The Book’ benefits under-privileged children. For more information, or to make or consider your gracious direct donation to any of the groups featured in ‘The Book’, a list of organizations links is maintained for your convenience at our website –