Marilyn Ferguson (1938-2008)
Since 1975 Ms. Ferguson has been publisher of the Journal BrainMind, with subscribers in 51 countries. Her third book, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in OurTime, has been translated into a dozen language and trade soft cover have sold more than 700,000 copies in North American. She lectures, leads seminars, and is an editorial and business consultant. Honors: Marilyn has received the University of Southern California award for distinguished service to the community,” and honorary doctorate from JFK University, the Library Trust Award from Brandeis University, and was chosen as “Brain Trainer of the Year” by the American Society for Trainer of the Year” by the American Society for Training and Development.
1) Marilyn’s Memorial: featuring, Jeremy Tarcher, Peter Russell, Fredric Lerhman, Fred Alan Wolf, and Lynnea Bylund | Lynnea addresses the audience at 1:57:28 on this first clip sharing the story our their initial meeting, of Marilyn’s endorsement of Adi Da Samraj’s new release of Easy Death and Prasad received from Adidam Samrajasharam Fiji after her passing.
2) Marilyn Ferguson on Transcendental Activism
3) Marilyn Ferguson Group On Facebook